If you would like a quick and easy way to submit your latest entry in your blog, social bookmarking sites are a good place to start. Many of these sites will show your site on their home page as soon as you submit it. It’s up to everyone else that uses each of these sites whether your site stays there or gets buried.
Don’t bother submitting your latest blog article if you plan on spamming. You’ll do nothing but irritate everyone and they will quickly flame you and nuke your story. They may even show up on your doorstep. :) Well…let’s hope not. Anyway, you know the drill - provide high quality content and if it’s good enough you may find yourself getting bombarded with traffic. What’s good enough? Well, perhaps check the section of each of these sites to see what is popular.
You will need to register for each of these sites before you can submit anything. And without further ado….here is a list of 55 social bookmarking sites I have compiled. If I missed any, feel free to leave a comment and let me know.
- 30daytags
- BlinkBits
- BlogHop
- BlogLot
- BlogMarks
- BlogMemes
- BlogPulse
- BmAccess
- browsr
- Fark
- CiteULike
- clipclip
- clipmarks
- Complore
- Connectedy
- Connotea
- de.lirio.us
- del.icio.us
- digg
- diigo
- fantacular
- Feedmarker
- Feed Me Links
- Furl
- Gibeo
- GoKoDo
- Google Notebook
- IceRocket
- Kaboodle
- linkaGoGo
- linkfilter.net
- linkroll
- Listible
- Lookmarks
- ma.gnolia
- Netvouz
- Newsvine
- openBM
- RawSugar
- reddit
- Rojo
- Rollyo
- Scuttle
- Shadows
- Simpy
- Sitetagger
- Smarking
- Spurl
- StumbleUpon
- taghop
- TailRank
- Ticklr
- unalog
- Yahoo My Web 2.0
- yoonoo
Labels: social book marking, social book marking tools